The GIZ implemented German-Bangladesh programme for Promotion of Social and Environmental Standards (GIZ PSES) has just released a revised version of GIZ Chemical Management (CM) toolkit. This revised toolkit specifically focuses on the needs of textile/leather industry and refers to emerging chemical management issues and requirements such as under Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC). The toolkit itself consists of one self-guiding company handbook and one service provider guideline. The latter will help trainers/consultants/auditors to support their industry clients in establishing or fine-tuning a chemical management system as well as implementing risk control measures in line with international good practices. The revision and field testing of the toolkit was carried out by a team of industry service providers and consultants, including members of PREMAnet. As part of these efforts, GIZ PSES also provided training and coaching support to 35 local service providers, including representatives from industry association service cells, training institutions and private consulting companies, to facilitate the launch of the revised chemical management approach. Initiatives under GIZ develoPPP and GIZ International services have already incorporated the revised toolkit into their recently launched activities in Bangladesh and China. For further information about the revised toolkit, please contact PREMAnet CM focal point Dr. Jürgen Hannak,