
Energy Management Master Training in Asia

In Vietnam and Cambodia, the PREMA elements were implemented via the Energy Management Master Training developed by Espire Consult (Pakistan), and Adelphi Consult, Germany.

Partners were GIZ FABRIC Asia, Enerteam, VNCPC, Cambodian Garment Training Institute, and EU SWITCHgarments. For further information contact Salman Butt | ESPIRE CONSULT


Bangladesh is famous for its textile industry but also for its environmental problems with regard to chemicals. Chemical Management (CM) has been a successful tool for many companies to meet the international requirements of textile associations and large clients.


PREMA has been an integral part in the sustainable business development programmes of the German Technical Cooperation for several years. In Hangzhou Province PREMA-EoCM module was accepted as one of the tools which comply with the requirements of the Cleaner production law. This download provides an overview of achievements with PREMA in China.

pdf Overview China.pdf


Chemical Management (CM) plays an increasing role for the Indian industrial sector, as they have to meet international regulations. The PREMA tool RECM has been successfully applied.


PREMA modules like Good Housekeeping and Environment-Oriented Cost Management (EoCM) have been successfully applied in Indonesian companies for several years. When focusing on climate change particularly EoCM provides interesting tools for the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in a simple and practical way. This helps enterprises to judge their daily operation in the light of climate change mitigation and the basic PREMA module provides also important aspects to assess adaptation needs and options.


In Myanmar, PREMA elements were implemented with the RECM chemical management module in the textile and footwear industry. Implementing partners were SMART Myanmar,  adelphi Consult, Espire Consult, GIZ and bfz gGmbH.


In Pakistan PREMA elements were mostly implemented with the RECM chemical management module and in textile industry. Implementing partners were Espire-Consult, GIZ and bfz gGmbH . For further information Salman Butt | ESPIRE CONSULT

PREMACasestudies-SB_final091124.pdf (coming soon)

ReMC_Textile_Pakistan_Final_091124.pdf (coming soon)


Since 2008 ,Thailand is one of the most active and stable PREMAnet country network with huge success documented by case studies and increasing interest generated for PREMA. ThaiPremanet undertook a lot of innovation of PREMA application, e.g. a programme for community-based enterprises to improve competitiveness on the local markets, a vast programme with automotive part producers to mitigate Non-Product Output and climate impact, and recently a programme for the agricultural value chain  (documents coming soon).

pdf Optimizing NPO for Sustainable Growth.pdf

pdf Community Based Enterprises.pdf


PREMA programmes have been successfully implemented in Vietnam for several years. The file presents the latest analysis of achievements for the whole country – in Vietnamese and in English.

pdf vietnamese1_GHK.pdf

pdf vietnamese2_GHK.pdf

pdf vietnamese3_GHK.pdf

pdf vietnamese4_GHK.pdf

pdf vietnamese5_GHK.pdf

pdfOverview Vietnam – Part1

pdf Overview Vietnam – Part2

pdf Vietnam_-_Case_studies-2007-2008_part1.pdf

pdf Vietnam_-_Case_studies-2007-2008_part2.pdf

pdf Vietnam_-_Case_studies-2007-2008_part3.pdf

pdf Vietnam_GHK_2011.pdfVietnam_GHK_2011_2.pdf

pdf Vietnam_GHK_2011_3.pdf