Africa and Middle East


With support of GIZ, In 2021 and 2022 Algerian PREMA trainers have been actualized by a hybrid ToT (international trainer: online; local trainer online and presential). In addition, several Algerian trainers had the chance to train and coach and consult a new group of companies from the food processing value chain (dates and potatoes). From this group successful PREMA maeasures are implemented and documented. For further information contact the focal points Fairouz Ouadhi or Nora Bendjeddou

Case Studies in Algeria

Analyse finale Algérie Groupe2 2022

Analyse finale Algérie Groupe1 2021

Egypt (to be updated ASAP)

Between 2005 and 2007 several International and Egyptian organisations have adopted PREMA in their training programmes:

  • Business Association Alexandria
  • Printing Association PIDA
  • Cleaner Production Center
  • InWent Egypt – Environmental Programme

More than 20 companies participated in the PREMA Programme and achieved significant management improvements which lead to positive environmental and financial effects.

Summary Success Stories Egypt (2007)

Ghana (to be updated ASAP)

From 2009 on PREMA® has been applied in Industrial Zones in Ghana. GTZ Ghana has played a crucial role in launching the Programme and still supports the first applications in the car repair sector in Brong Ahafo. The entrepreneurs are organised in associations, which cooperate through PREMA in a more efficient way. Local trainers and consultants who have been trained on PREMA® tools are expected to be able to independently disseminate the concept to other industrial zones.

Overview Ghana 2009

Success Story for Garage Association (Waste Management)

Succes Story for Garage Association (Electricity Provision and Metering)

Jordan (to be updated ASAP)

In 2008 the Jordan Chamber of Industry, supported by InWent, offered a PREMA programme to its member through its training center EJABI.

Four companies from the food and printing sector participated in the programme successfully. The companies were printing cylinder manufacturers, printers and jam and vegetable paste producers. Two companies were willing to share their triple-win achievements on this platform.

Summary Success Stories Jordan (2008) 135KB

Case Study Printing Industry – Copper Reduction

pdf Case Study Printing Industry – Solvent Management

Morocco (to be updated ASAP)

In 2009 six chemical industries have applied PREMA tools in order to improve their environmental, organisational and financial performance. The success stories comprise measures for energy efficientcy and material efficiency. The download documents are in french langueage.

pdf Overview Morocco 2009

pdf Case Studies Material Efficiency

Tunisia (to be updated ASAP)

PREMAnet is active in Tunisia since more than five years. A collaboration with the Environmental Research Center (CITET) and the Ministry of Environment resulted in several training workshops. Currently, PREMAnet is active in Industrial Estates where a cluster of industries are motivated to cooperate and identify synergies in environmental management.