The analysis of causes is the link between problem and measure
Good Housekeeping (GHK®) is a five-day training course that includes individual company visits. It facilitates the identification of low-cost and easy-to-implement improvement measures to achieve the triple-win. GHK® trainers motivate and guide participants towards realising sustainable improvement measures in accordance with the cycle of change. Participants analyse causes for identified problems in production and management, and then develop suitable improvement measures. The achieved skills remain in the company and allow continuous improvements after the training is completed. This makes GHK® particularly suitable for SMEs.
Putting GHK® in practice means:
- Monitoring and optimising the use of valuable raw materials, water, and energy inputs, which reduces operational costs.
- Reducing the volume or toxicity of waste, wastewater and emissions. This improves occupational and environmental safety.
- Savings realised from the reuse or recycling of primary inputs and packaging materials.
- Improving organisational procedures with clear responsibilities.
- Improving overall working conditions and motivating staff.
- Improving communication with customers and the authorities. This leads to better company image and competitiveness.