South America

South America

The PREMAnet has been active in Bolivia, Columbia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru. Several programmes have been implemented and the network is still growing. The country networks act independently, but seek the professional exchange with its neighbours.

Download the PREMAnet brochure in Spanish language:

pdf Folleto GAR Latinoamerica 2010


For more than 10 years PREMA has been present in Bolivia. Focal modules of PREMA were Resources Management Module (RMM) and Good Housekeeping (GHK) in the producing provinces of Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Cochabamba and La Paz.

The main target groups were entrepreneurs of SME in different sectors such as wood and furniture, textiles, food, mechanics, leather and others. The implementation was supported by international cooperations and institutions fostering entrepreneurial development such as the Chamber of SME in Santa Cruz (CADEPIA), the Association of Small Entrepreneurs (ADEPI) and the Federation of the Small Industry of Bolivia (FEBOPI).

Since today the PREMA programme has an important impact on consultants and professionals working in the environmental field. PREMA has initiated a demand for various workshops to train facilitators and consultants especially in RMM and GHK.  Universities showed high interest in inserting the programme into the academic curriculum on postgraduate level which will be put into place in the short run.

More than than 20 case studies document the various effects of PREMA on participating companies in the different concerned sectors. For further information please contact the PREMAnet office or the regional representatives.

Spanish Information

Carpenter – Material Efficiency

Carpenter – Energy Efficiency


PREMA has been successfully applied in the food sector. Seven bakeries participated in the Programme with significant triple-win achievements for the companies. Here some examples:

pdf Bakery – Energy Efficiency

pdf Bakery – Improved Raw Material Management

pdf Bakery – Improved Fire Wood Purchase

pdf Caso_de_Sucesso-Panificadora_Alvorecer_v007.pdf

pdf Caso_de_Sucesso-Panificadora_Pao_da_Vida_Case1_v006.pdf

pdf Caso_de_Sucesso-Panificadora_SuperPao1_-ev01.pdf

pdf Caso_de_Sucesso-SantiagoII_-ev01.pdf

pdf Caso_de_Sucesso_Panificadora_Campinense_ev02.pdf

pdf Estudo_de_caso_Brighenti.pdf

pdf Estudo_de_caso_FEE-ppt.pdf Estudo_de_caso_FEE.pdf

pdf Estudo_de_caso_Oxigen-ppt.pdf Estudo_de_caso_Oxigen.pdf


PREMA was started in Colombia in November 2007 with a Training of Trainers for 22 professionals. Additional trainings in Chemical Management and EoCM followed in 2008. The promotion and implementation is in the process of consolidation and has been applied in company groups of medium and large industries in different sectors such as mining, mechanical, hospitals, universities, automobile, textiles etc.  in Bogota, Armenia, Medellín and Cali.

The international cooperation has been supporting the implementation, especially InWEnt and GTZ or institutions like the Chamber of Commerce in Bogota, the German-Colombian Chamber of Commerce, ANAFALCO, the Mayor of Tocancipa, national universities in Bogota, Medellín and Armenia. Also the training has been transferred to other members of the Red Alumni in countries of the region such as Ecuador.

At the moment the promotion of PREMA concentrates on the three components: GHK, ChM and EoCM with a tendency to train members of RADES (a network on sustainable economies), as well as promoting the topic to integrate PREMA in programmes for developing private enterprises and academic curricula at diploma level in two universities in Colombia. These activities are expected to be settled in 2011.

As a result of the promotion of PREMA in Colombia there are 20 case studies of success stories in different sectors.

As of September 2009 the communication between PREMA facilitators at Latin American level has been promoted publishing brochure on the portfolio of services.

Spanish Information



pdf Desperdicio_de__diesel.pdf

pdf Medida_2.pdf Medida_3_Gruentec.pdf

pdf Medida_Gruentec.pdf


The PREMA programme Peru started with a ToT in RMM in the year 2001 and a ToT in GHK in the following year organized by the German Technocal Cooperation (GTZ).  The GTZ-MITINCI programme supports SMEs for Sustainable Rural Development. Fifteen participants applied their new knowledge in the leather and food sector in Trujillo. In 2007 InWEnt and DED organized a new ToT in GHK with 25 consultants who realized various workshops in the tourism and tannery sector in Cusco and Ayacucho.

In 2010 the programme continues with a major impulse starting a cooperation with the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) – the main player in the environmental field. The GTZ based programme (GTZ-MINAM) works on both industrial and regulatory level to achieve compliance of the national environmental policies and the associated regulations.

In a first step, GTZ-MINAM, InWEnt and DED promotes GHK workshops in the tannery sector in cities hosting industrial parks of SME. The second step implements another GHK-ToT to train yet more consultants and a strategic cooperation partners of MINAM to be able to conduct a series of planned company workshops in 2010 and 2011. Also a ToT in EoCM was conducted to complement the knowledge of the consultants trained between 2002 and 2007. Additional 40 workshops are planned for 2011 by the same programme for the tourism sector and producing industries executed by the newly trained consultants and trainers.

The success of these last activities allowed the formation of a local PREMAnet RED GAR PERU by ten of the most active PREMA consultants in August 2010. A number of success stories can be downloaded here:

pdf Curtiembre.pdf

pdf Curtiembre_Reducir_cantidad_cromo.pdf

pdf Madera_identidad_corporativa.pdf

pdf Madera_salud.pdf

pdf Metalmecnica_Evitar_perdida_materia_prima.pdf

pdf Publicación GAR BGE.pdf

pdf Restaurante.pdf

pdf Restaurantes.pdf

pdf Turism_Andean.pdf

doc Spanish Information and Leaflet