How to become a PREMAnet member?
To be a member of PREMAnet, you have to apply for membership with the PREMAnet Board and pay the first annual membership fee. Your application needs to be supported by two members, one of whom has to be an active member and a licensed trainer. Usually this person will be your trainer / coach. You should also present yourself to the Board via a 3’ elevator pitch. You can also use this pitch to present yourself to PREMAnet colleagues.
You qualify as an active member if you did either participate in a PREMA training or if you are a licensed trainer under PREMAnet e.V. provisions.
What are the advantages of being a PREMAnet member?
- Free PREMAnet professional email address (, use of PREMAnet website (e.g upload of local case studies) and PREMAnet Youtube video platform (clips, pitches in your language)
- Participation in training courses and online upgrading webinars, usually provided free of charge to members, as well as in the PREMAnet whatsapp and facebook groups
- Free access to working, training and presentation material for PREMA training modules (according to training level)
- Be listed as a trainer on the PREMAnet website and entitled to receive communication about job offers from the PREMAnet Board
- Use the newsletter and the publications of PREMA (case studies, testimonials, videos, pitches) to promote practical experience with the application of PREMA
- Exchange of experience with other members of the PREMAnet Community of Practice (CoP) to improve personal and professional performance as well as successful marketing of PREMA
- Voting right in the PREMAnet e.V. General Assembly held on a yearly basis, virtually or physically
- Virtual support for adapting PREMA to local job opportunities and other challenges
What is expected from a PREMAnet e.V. member?
All active members of PREMAnet have to pay a yearly fee to the association. The fee is currently 100 Euro for members from OECD member countries (global North), and 60 Euro for members from all other countries (global South). This fee is due on March 1st, of each year. In case of existence of a local network the membership fee might be lower. Passive membership fee is 45 € / year and will exclude certain rights (e.g. voting right, name on website).
Members are expected to actively participate in the exchange of experience of the PREMAnet CoP, e.g. by briefly informing the association about planned and implemented PREMA activities as well as the respective results (e.g. via newsletter, case studies, testimonials, videoclips, or elevator pitches etc.).
In addition and according to the statutes of PREMAnet e.V., registered in Bonn-Germany as non-for-profit association, members have to respect the association’s principles and support its objectives (see the statutes).
Find bellow a number of resources and important documents for new members:
Membership Application (126 kB)
BiotemplatePREMAnetCV e name (English)
HO-043-e-BasicRules for the Utilisation of Instruments developed by PREMAnet-27102023rev_EK.docx
Licensing Procedure (under revision, to be uploaded soon)