In the frame-work of the GIZ’s contribution to the multi-donor PASA project the PREMAnet trainers Fairouz Ouadhi, Algeria, and Edith Kürzinger, Germany, are implementing a virtual programme to upgrade 12 Algerian trainers. The 16 online training sessions and the respective individual and group work meetings enhance the PREMA capabilities which most of these trainers originally acquired in 2015/16.
At the core of the upgrading were
- the enhanced understanding of the Non-Product Output (NPO) concept which taps resource efficiency potentials in SMEs, including the assessment of the NPO Greenhouse gas emissions
- the boosted performance as “PREMA change agents” via additional change management tools for effectively supporting businesses in agro-based supply chains to achieve the PREMA 4 wins (economic, environmental, organizational, risk social).
Through the elaboration of convincing PREMA case studies these highly qualified persons are now able to finalize their certification as PREMAnet e.V. trainers and to establish a solid local Community of Practice for PREMA. Hopefully, local businesses and institutions, which promote resource efficiency and circular economy, will make use of this enhanced offer of high-quality PREMA training, consultancy and coaching based on experiential learning and innovative co-generation of knowledge (one of the unique selling points of the PREMA approach).