On 3. May 2010 two PREMAnet Board Members were invited by GTZ in Eschborn to present the experience of PREMAnet as a structure for disseminating the PREMA® family of methodologies. GTZ has signed a Cooperation Agreement with PREMAnet, which gives our association the to use PREMA® instruments, the to uphold their quality, and the opportunity to develop further applications. GTZ’s PREMA® Product Manager, Enrico Rubertus, organised this “Fachgespräch” meeting with the participation of 19 individuals from various GTZ departments/services as well as the German Development Service (DED). The participants were very interested to hear about how PREMAnet has evolved, over the past 5 years, into a global network of licensed trainers who can competently support companies in applying the GTZ-developed concept of Profitable Environmental Management (PREMA®). One valuable feedback from this meeting for PREMAnet is the opportunity that we have to competitively position PREMA®-related services on the basis that this approach enables companies to build the internal capacities to successfully manage change. This aspect significantly sets PREMA® apart from other instruments and approaches currently on the market. Dr. Joyce Miller, PREMAnet Chair, and Ali Ims, PREMAnet treasurer.