by Mabel Rueda and the PREMAnet Office
In the context of the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) between the Colombian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Successful Women Foundation that was implemented during June 2012 to July 2013, an action was carried out to boost the capacities of rural women who participate in productive and associative entrepreneurships nationwide in 34 projects. Within this context, PREMAnet members in Colombia had the opportunity to deliver 53 PREMA©-Good Housekeeping (GHK) “info trainings” throughout the country to 1477 rural women. This tool was considered as key guidance for developing entrepreneurship by both participants and the project’s sponsors. PREMAnet member and Regional Representative for Latin America Mabel Rueda organised basic PREMA© GHK info trainings for 22 junior facilitators in Bogota, Cali, and Medellín and subsequently evaluated their skills. Their experience was successfully replicated nationwide in 27 municipalities, 15 departments and 34 projects throughout Colombia during the first semester of 2013.
The project aimed to provide an impulse to the 1477 participating rural women and their families by fostering their capabilities as organised groups that produce goods – and in parallel, strengthening their capabilities to organise themselves within networks able to implement actions and change. This activity was designed to have an impact on-the-ground by reducing rural poverty and leadership of rural women.