Today the micro, small and medium sized enterprises in Peru are no strangers to the challenges which lie ahead for companies in the more developed countries in contributing to the sustainable development of the country. They have to adapt to demands of products of low environmental impact, reducing their costs and increasing their productivity without ignoring their social and environmental responsibility. To respond to these demands the Ministry of Environment of Peru uses the PREMA® methodology.
In the last two years it was GIZ promoting and fostering the application of the PREMA® toolbox through a programme called “Strengthening the Ministry of Environment” at national level in various sectors. Through these activities the Ministry is adopting the methodology in its Eco-Efficiency and Environmental Quality area.
With first activities in 2001, 2002 and 2007 but still not supported from the government level PREMA® picked up speed in 2010 and 2011. PREMA® promotion activities have enabled 81 persons to participate in Trainings of Trainers of the tool Good Housekeeping (GHK®) and 10 consultants to go through an initial module of Environment-oriented Cost Management (EoCM®). More than 25 workshops have been implemented by the newly trained consultants in GHK® in various regions of the country and in a multitude of sectors such as hotels, restaurants, tanneries, shoes, wine production, wood and furniture etc. giving the opportunity to the trained people to achieve their licence in PREMA®. Up to now 3 have been licenced and 5 are ready for the licence now. That is how the PREMA® family increases.
Among the institutions supporting the PREMA® promotion are GIZ (formerly GIZ, InWEnt and DED in cooperation), the Ministry of Environment of Peru, SENATI, CITES and the Production Ministry, PROIKOS consulting agency and the local governments of Cuzco, La Libertad, Arequipa, Tacna among other, as well as NGOs are adopting more and more the methodology in their environmental and production departments.
The Training of Trainer workshops in GHK and EoCM were facilitated by Susanne Arlinghaus with the co-facilitation of the active Peruvian co-facilitators Natalia Vizcarra, Markus Tritschler, María del Camen Gibaja, Karen Ganvini, and other consultants who have promoted PREMA® in all the country.
We are awaiting the formalization of the local PREMAnet in Peru at the beginning of 2012. We have initiated the network to confirm our foundation of 2010 already and will share more results soon!
Best wishes from Peru and see you soon!