ToT Chemical Management in Colombia


Several events on Chemical Management will take place between 16-19 March in Bogotá and Medellín

16. March 2011: Chemical Risk Management Forum in Bogotá

More than 100 managers and representatives from Authorities are expected to attend the Chemical Management Forum which will introduce PREMA tools and give opportunties to link up consultancies and industries. Key note speakers will be Dr. Alberto Camacho (HIZ, Bonn, Germany and Dr. MD Laura Borgel (PREMAnet, Chile), Ing. Dr. Marlen Estela Mayorga (PREMAnet, Venezuela) and Dr. Christina Raab from BiPro.

Further speakers are: Mabel Rueda, Nora Ruiz and Martin Felipe Wohlgemuth

The forum will be followed by two Training of Trainer events in Bogotá (17.-19. March 2011) and Medellín (22. March 2011)

More information:

pdf Brochure 1

pdf Brochure 2

pdf Brochure 3

pdf Brochure 4

Contact: Martin Felipe  at 


Marzo: 17-19 – Apreciados amigos de las redes alumni de la Cooperacion Alemana en Latinomerica

Tine el gusto de invitarlos a participar en un taller de Entrenamiento para Entrenadores (Training of trainers, ToT)

TEMA: Manejo de Residuos, del Programa GAR : Gestión de Sustancias Químicas

FECHA: Marzo 17, 18 Y 19 DE 2011

LUGAR: Bogotá, Colombia

Taller dirigido por: Dr. Alberto Camacho (GIZ. Bonn. Alemania)


Mayores informes:

Mabel Rueda

Bogota, Colombia